"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." – Matthew 18:20
We invite you to join us for an evening filled with laughter and connection at our Silver Stones gathering on Sunday, March 16! This special event promises to be an experience where we can come together in fellowship and share in the joy of companionship.
The evening will kick off with a delicious catered meal. After we’ve finished our meal, the fun continues with an exciting game of BINGO!
However, this gathering is so much more than just a night out; it’s an opportunity to deepen our friendships, make new connections, and celebrate the joy of being together in faith. In today’s fast-paced world, it’s important to take a moment to connect with one another, and this event provides the perfect setting for that. Whether you’re drawn in by the delicious food, the exciting games, or simply the fellowship of like-minded individuals, we welcome you to join us!
To ensure we corder enough food for the meal, we ask that you RSVP to Susie Heid at (701) 202-1633 by Thursday, March 13. We look forward to sharing this memorable night with you!