Riverstone Worship Team

Thank you so much for your interest in worship! I have a deep passion and a gifting for leading others to the heart of God through music, testimony, lyrics, and a team right beside me.

I’ve sang for years and I have loved the Lord with my whole life but not until recently did I realize or understand that from the start, worship has nothing to do with a melody or how I sound or what instruments are involved. My worship has to be how I live my life as a Christ follower, how I treat others, the time I spend daily with God, my prayer life…and worship starts when I wake up, continues all throughout my day, and quiets me as I rest at night.

Worship happens on the hardest days we encounter and during the days we are on top of the world. Worship flows from who we are in Christ and from us whether we are standing in silence or singing at the top of our lungs!

My favorite verses in the Bible come from Psalm 91…from the very beginning it states that “he who hangs out in the presence of the Most Hight will abide, will grow, will stay in relationship with the Almighty!” Then verse 5 (my ultimate favorite) says, “I won’t have to fear the terrors of the night or anything that tries to come against me during the day because HE IS NEAR!” This is why we worship! This is why we remain in worship!

If this sounds like a team you’d like to be a part of then keep reading!

Expectations for all musicians:

  • Use/learn to use in-ear monitors and sing/play with a click track

  • Be able to read chord charts

  • Follow the directions of the worship leader

  • Sing/play confidently

  • Be flexible, be humble, be dependable

  • Be prepared, be on time, be consistent

  • Most importantly, ask yourself these 3 questions and really pray about this possible area of serving:

    • Am I gifted in the area of worship…is God urging me to get involved?

    • Am I growing or do I want to grow in my relationship with God?

    • Do I have the time and energy to commit to giving my best?

Next steps…

I’d love to meet with you, hear your heart for worship, and listen to your voice or instrument! Fill out the Worship Team Application below I’ll contact you to set up a time to get together - I can’t wait to meet you!

Krisha Fuller

From Worship Leader, Krisha Fuller:
