Pastor Sam Coleman


I love telling people about Jesus! I remember as a 7 year old leading my friend Dion in a prayer to trust in Jesus and then as a 12 year old asking my grandpa if he knew for sure that he was going to heaven because I wanted to see him there. That has been one of the biggest passions in my life and I’m so thankful I get to do that in my role as pastor at Riverstone!

My mom and dad’s greatest gift to me was teaching me about a relationship with God. Even though I could see my parents weren’t perfect, I saw their recognition that they needed Jesus and they passed that down to me. They also instilled in me a love for my family, nature, ND, hunting, fishing, riding horses in the badlands, and a passion for painting.  

I attended Shiloh Christian School until 3rd grade, was homeschooled until my junior year in highschool, and then went to a men’s trade school type opportunity in Michigan for 2 years where I got my paramedic license. I received a degree at Bismarck State College and then attended an art school called The Atelier while also pursuing graduate studies in divinity at Magdalen College in Minneapolis, MN. 

I love beautiful places and have had the opportunity to travel all over the world. My last count was over 25 countries and 48 states. I also love mission trips and am currently planning for my 10th time leading or participating in a Guatemala high school mission opportunity.  A highlight in my life is a mission trip to Europe in 1997 when the Lord brought my best friend (Sarah) into my life. We were married in 2005 and have been blessed with four amazing children (Gabe, Cassia, Micah, Caleb). 

My wife and I have been involved in ministry for over 18 years and it has been so incredible and exciting to be part of what the Lord is doing now at Riverstone. I am so thankful to the Lord for his amazing goodness and for my incredible wife and children who love the Lord alongside me! I am also so grateful for my extended family and my spiritual family here at Riverstone. This passage from Psalms 23:1-3 sums it all up. “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want… He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.”

Pastor Sam Coleman

Meet The Staff

  • Krisha Fuller

    Worship Leader

  • Jessi Herz

    Operations Coordinator & Adult Ministry Director

  • Maggie Portra

    Family Ministry & Communications Director

  • Jon Samuelson

    Production Director

  • Landen Schmiechel

    Worship Leader

Meet The Board of Directors

  • Karen Wolff

    President | Board of Directors

  • John Westbee

    Vice President | Board of Directors

  • Charlie Whitman

    Secretary | Board of Directors

  • Allen Knudson

    Treasurer | Board of Directors

  • Chere Allard

    Board of Directors

  • Mike Dwyer

    Board of Directors

  • Eric Ellertson

    Board of Directors

  • Shirley Hanson

    Board of Directors

Meet The Spiritual Advisors

  • Cassia Albrecht

  • Mike Albrecht

  • Sarah Coleman

  • Patty Dwyer

  • Connie Haluzak

  • Kari Knudson

  • Jason McEvers

  • Terri McEvers

  • Jim Neumiller

  • Tamara Neumiller

  • Pastor Terry Sletto

  • Linda Westbee

  • Brenda Whitman