Next Sunday, March 10 is Daylight Savings Time. Which basically means a long time ago, someone decided that all the clocks should spring forward and we should all lose an hour of sleep. Something about the harvest?
We don’t know. Anyway, set your clocks ahead and avoid the hour-late-walk-of-shame into church!
Since children do not tend to care about or observe this occasion, we’re offering our support to parents in the form of: “Snuggly Sunday”. Kids are invited to come to Sunday school in their PJs and bring a nice, soft, snuggly blanket to soften the blow of the early wake-up call. Getting dressed is one less battle for parents to fight on this *blessed* occasion. Our prayers are with you.
Grown-ups can celebrate “biggest-coffee-cup-I-could-find” Sunday. Maybe bring a blankie too. We can do this. See you next Sunday!